- 1342
- 26

Еда для ПТИЦ ( куриные шеи)
Сбор на еду для 5 аистов, 3 канюков, сокола и совы
Help the project
To support us, you can set up the automatic payment option so that a fixed fee of your choice will be issued from your credit card every month and forwarded to the shelter.
To set up the automatic payment option, you need to send an SMS to 3434
The text of your message
"Верность месяц 100"
* where 100 is an example of the fee that you choose to be automatically issued from your credit card once a month
Do not forget to confirm the payment upon your mobile operator request. All money collected is spent on the shelter needs and maintenance.
Номер карты Сбербанка для пожертвований 4276 5900 1947 6398
Для подключения автоплатежа через мобильное приложение Сбербанка нужно:
Перейти в раздел "Платежи"
Выбрать пункт "Автоплатежи"
Нажать кнопку "Подключить автоплатеж"
Нажать "Клиенту Сбербанка"
В разделе "Карта" ввести номер карты 4276 5900 1947 6398 Ввести сумму и периодичность платежа
Нажать кнопку "Подключить автоплатеж"
who if not us?
Together we will save our smaller brothers
recent donations
Thank you!
All proceeds are strictly for the maintenance of the shelter, salaries of employees and veterinarians.
Was donated:
Was donated:
We were helped
Would you like to visit our shelter?
We regularly conduct free tours of our shelter. Leave a request and after the formation of the group we will notify you, when it will be possible to come to visit us!